SR Technics contributes to new global environmental standards for aircraft engines

SR Technics, a world leading MRO service provider, is pleased to announce that as the result of an eight-year collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), it has made important contributions to the measurement and regulation of particulate emissions from aircraft engines.
The collaboration between SR Technics and FOCA dates back to 2010, when FOCA officials approached the MRO service provider to request help developing a test system for particulate emissions testing. With the assistance of SR Technics, a prototype test system was developed in 2011, and the A-PRIDE (Aviation Particle Regulatory Instrumentation Demonstration Experiments) began. As part of the long-term joint efforts, SR Technics has provided jet engine emission data from known sources, supported emissions measurements, led the engine setup and testing process, and supported data analysis of measurement equipment.
In 2016, the Swiss prototype became an industry standard and benchmark when the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection adopted the first particulate matter (PM) standard for aircraft engines. Later, during the EMPAIREX (Emissions of Particulate and gaseous pollutants in Aircraft engine exhaust) campaigns in 2017, SR Technics continued contributing to the research with tests in which a certified alternative fuel blend was burned on a CFM56-7B26 engine to investigate nvPM emissions reductions, and measurements at the engine exit and exhaust silencer.
The measurement of particulate matter is an extremely complex process and a range of other parties were involved in the research over the years.
At a meeting held in January 2019, FOCA officials expressed their gratitude for all the support received from SR Technics. Switzerland, they noted, was the only ICAO member state able to find a partner to take on this challenge, and the SR Technics engine test cell with a permanent sampling probe suitable for different engine types and system installations remains one-of-a-kind. Looking forward, emissions research will continue with a focus on the engine setup, parts, and age, and SR Technics will accompany the process every step of the way.
“We are very proud to be a part of this groundbreaking project,” said Frank Walschot, Chief Executive Officer at SR Technics. “Our excellence in engineering and our openness to collaborating on interdisciplinary projects means that SR Technics is now recognized at conferences on emissions worldwide.”
“SR Technics has been key in the exceptional achievements we have made in environmental protection in aviation over the past eight years,” said Theo Rindlisbacher, from the Environmental Affairs Section at the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA). “We would like to thank everyone at SR Technics for keeping cool - and of course, for all their outstanding support.”
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